Do you really know what people say about your company online? We mean, really? Use social listening to identify and analyze online conversations about you and your brand.
Manage Online Reputation by immediately handling negative feedback as soon as it hunamly possible and as the rule of thumb never leave without the answer. Create a relaible structured way of rebuttle every time a rogue customer says anything negative about your brand.
– Monitor your reputation Analyze your brand’s image
Using social media monitoring tool you can analyze your brand reputation. Get instant access to all public mentions on the internet relevant to your brand and products.
Monitor your reputation
Using social media monitoring tool you can analyze your brand reputation. Get instant access to all public mentions on the internet relevant to your brand and products.
Analyze your brand’s image
Easy to use interface allows you to analyze mentions by sentiment, social influence or sources for better intelligence about your business.
Deal with negative reviews and crises situations
People share their opinion on the Internet. Stay tuned with what they say about your company. React and engage quickly to real-time comments. Respond to a dissatisfied customer before the story gets ahead of you.